What we do

We produce unique miniature Ossabaw swine models that closely mimic human symptoms, diseases, and complications. These pigs have been used to test new medical devices, new pharmaceuticals, and novel surgical techniques before they are used in people.

Our Mission

CorVus Biomedical is dedicated to discovering new treatments, new pharmaceuticals, new medical devices, and new surgical techniques to minimize or eliminate the long-term complications of obesity, diabetes, and other diseases. Most concisely, our mission is: Translating from science to cures.

CorVus Foundation

The CorVus Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit, charitable organization organized for scientific research and education with the goal of reducing the incidence and long-term complications of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Research Overview

Michael Sturek, MS, PhD, presented CorVus Biomedical's research on this innovative animal model and its uses in exploring translational interventions such as cryolipolysis, insulin pharmacodynamics, coronary stenting, and vascular targeting and imaging. Additionally, Sturek also introduced gene editing of Ossabaw miniature pigs.